A friend comes home and calls you out. You go out imagining its just for 5 minutes and leave your computer switched on. You come back after talking to him and an hour has gone by. Most of us are caught in this situation where we accidentally leave our computers on for a long time and realize it only later. Well this will never happen anymore if you have the following things:
1)A computer connected to the internet
2)Any GPRS phone/ any other computer connected to the internet
3)The most important "thing": The auto shut down application developed by Boondi Productions unlimited in association with Code Kshetra.
Yes this is no science fiction. Remote shutdown is a reality!
Shut Up is a Java based, free to use, open source and above all a small utility which is just around 400KB which helps you to lock,hibernate,turn off or even put your computer to a stand by mode by just a click(or in the age of smartphones a touch) of a button. And this click can come from anywhere in the world and from any device in the world! The product is available for free download quickshutdown.co.cc Download it for free from www.quickshutdown.co.cc and your comments and reviews are welcome! Do like our facebook page : Code Kshetra.
hey oLLe app idu!